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  • Ahaha...I got that Kingdra from another site, a site strictly for I don't think it's legit. The people there pokesav alot since they're not, if you want one, I can give you my Horsea ^_^ it's identical minus 1 for Spa to make it HP electric 70, lol.

    Since I don't trade anymore, it'd be nice if my pokes get spread a
    XD, pretty funny indeed. My coffee's not even ready yet! You're way too fast :P
    Thanks much for them by the way ^_^ and if you want those pokes that you've lost :( feel free to VM me and they're yours :)

    Also...last time we talked, I don't think you could RNG anything other than breeding...but it looks like you're a natural master at the art now ^^
    Congratulations! Your pokes are indeed amazing!
    It was disabled. That always happens when I stay on wifi for too long. Thanks so much!
    Okee dokies, I'm here. Just got here, so I haven't opened up my game yet...but I'll be logging on within the minute or two.

    See you on then? ^_^
    Alrighty, I'll VM from my phone when I get there.

    Thanks much for your help distributing :)
    it really sucks that we can't edit these x.x but here's my FC:3567 3721 2184
    hello, may i get a copy of all three dogs since i see your redistributing them?
    Hey there, I don't mean to rush, but are you available to trade now? If so, I can start driving to the cafe ^_^
    I'm not really into the whole Wifi thing, but if it isn't too much trouble I would like a copy of each of the event dogs. Are you looking for anything in return or is this on charity? I don't really have anything to offer, I'm just trying to prepare for Black and White.

    FC: 2622 6634 1910

    Thank you!
    I see, I see :P Riski is nice too :)

    Aww, sorries. I only really go to the cafe to trade, lol. It only takes about 15minutes though, so it's not such a bad drive and I get some coffee while I'm there, ahaha.
    Anyways, if you want those pokes that we traded for previously, lol, they're of course yours...since, lol, they're yours anyways, ahaha.

    Have fun picking strawberries though! I do hope we get to trade soon!
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