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  • Hey we play gsc and adv games for Major League RoA. When is a good time for you? I am gmt-6 and Thursday is my best day.
    I have Keldeo and a shiny Mew to help you fill your Pokedex, though they might be hacked, if that makes a difference...
    If your SV really is 3458 I got something I need hatching. Contact me at my fc: 1118-0535-0745
    Hello, a buddy of mine has a sneasal he would like hatched that matches your trainer Shiny Value, so i was wondering if you could hatch it for me? And if you ever need me to hatch anything or want a IV bred Poke let me know, I'll get ya what you want.
    Hey there Rocko! I happened to get an egg with the SV 3458, matching yours. Would you mind hatching it for me? I'll give you a 5 IV Modest Charmander with Dragon Pulse in return as compensation for your time.
    I'd really appreciate it!

    FC: 3024-6150-5614
    hello, I have an egg that I've heard matches your trainer shiny ID. Would you mind helping me hatch it? If you want something in return, just say so. My friend code is 0919-9682-2248. Thanks.
    sure i'll add you my fc is 4527-8077-2951
    thanks I'll be online shortly
    hi if you post in my thread confirming you gave semi redi to my vulpix that would be great ty :)
    Hi. I'd like to do our SBP trade. I'm the one who did the adamant Ludicolo. Could you give me a VM when you're available? I'd like to get your EVed version, please, provided it's still level 50 and under.
    i posted our pm conversion in the blacklist thread in the wifi section if you would like to see
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