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  • i mean serious, it look like people around here cant understand that i am best troll subject around smogon, i dont notice people trolling me until the last second...what a pain in the ass...
    i miss people trolling me Al, at least you are famous for something...i wish they trolled me instead! bunch of (BAN ME PLEASE)s dont know about the REAL DEAL here that is called Lucalibur! the super awesome me! those dumbasses dont know they are doing sad....
    tbh this user isn't cute enough to be getting trolled this badly, guys must be getting desperate
    You may be right, but I still got left in the cold =(

    But I suppose that thoughts of you will have to do until you can rejoin me, at least the problem is somewhat alleviated by your keeping posting new avatar pics of yourself....
    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you feel that irc isn't being compassionate towards you. Yeah, sorry about that, I just blame setrack and horny 14 year olds. Give it a bit of time, but do come back, things will cool off....and then we can heat them up again.
    I feel kinda bad for you scantra. You seem like a nice person so don't get too..hmm what's a good word.........overwhelmed? by this. (First serious post in a while I'll bet..)
    Scofield, IRC just annoyed =P if i thought i was getting trolled here then IRC is a million times worse =P. And yeah i know right Luca -.- didn't think i could tke an uglier picture!
    so, I see that you're in the quick club, does this mean that you like quickies? also, get on irc more often.
    Stop checking out the Handsome men club and get on MSN at a reasonable time this time :P
    Sorry my Internet disconnected last night >:( we shall continue our conversation soon though ok :)! Xo
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