Hi! Thank you for your advice on the SQSR page. However, I am going to stick with Fast Jellicent. First off, yes those are speed EVs and they are very important as I need to Taunt Skamory so it is unable to set up more layers of Spikes/Taunt me. It would be very rare to have a Skarmory outspeed this Jellicent, as that means it would require at least 108 Speed EVs to outrun me (but then I can burn with Scald...). Against Milotic and (Rest-Talk) Gyarados, I can Taunt them before they Toxic/Rest/Recover and stall them out with burn. Even if I get phazed, they are stopped from restoring a significant amount of HP while if they switch they are punished with hazard damage. And yes, I am using this with Gliscor. Thank you for your input, I appreciate your thoughts!(: