Shiny Sparks
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  • I'm +3 GMT. Listen since the deadline is three weeks, why rush? I have some things that I need to do urgently, how about we schedule something from Fridays then after that?
    oh hey. we're paired up for the UU Open round two.I'm GMT +5.5. We have just 4 days to do this so when can you battle?
    Oh hey, we're paired up for the UU Open Round II. I'm GMT+ 5.5. I'm mostly available during the weekends, mostly during evenings. When would you want to play?
    Ok no problem, so when can you play? I'm available tomorrow from 7PM GMT until 10 PM. Saturday will be hard because I planned some things. Sunday I am pretty flexible as long as you suggest a time that is decent for my timezone (GMT+2).
    Hiya, we have to play against each other for the "Fuk DW" tournament. I'm available on most days from 5 PM till 10 PM GMT, give and take some time for dinner and other potential stuff. So if you can suggest a time in that timeframe I should be able to make it.
    hi are you able to play right now? Ill be on the pokecommunity server on ps where we have to play our match
    ah sorry ive fallen a bit behind studying this weekend, the earliest i can play is on wednesday
    hello, im your opp for the metagame tweak tour, i'm gmt -8 and i can battle on friday or sometime this weekend
    OK, I'll try to be on then. I'll be travelling that day but I should be home by the later afternoon/evening your time. Just hit me up if you see me online or on Pokemon Showdown that day.
    hey! we're paired for the lc tournament. could you let me know what times you're available (and your timezone~)?
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