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  • Hello, I am your doubles spl opponent. I am gmt -6.
    I can play all of today, friday (5-12 pm), all of saturday, and sunday (11am-5 pm).
    Your saturday evening should be fine, I think Zach sent u my Skype contact but I'll check here too
    May be hanging out with family tomorrow during the day, incase I do would like to play tonight or maybe tomorrow evening but I know thats late for you, if this doesn't work maybe we can sub in Soulsurvivor
    hey are you here?
    Congratz on ur t16 place! 1st year in seniors that's great!!! better then kok And Alphaomega!!
    Hey Snake! We're opponents for the Secret Santa VGC 2012 Tour! When do you have the time to battle? I'm usually open 5pm - 11pm EST
    Hey, when are you able to play our match for the NPA? I would like to get it done before Sunday (preferably before Saturday evening), as I will be moving then. If you give me a time before then (that isn't in the middle of the night for me; I'm GMT+1 at the moment), then I should be able to make it.
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