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  • Cool beansssss!!!
    Ill put you up! And yes its good for SIM!
    Ask zdrup for your SIM part hes the expert on it Im the expert on wifi but glad you can do both!!!
    Sorry been busy lol
    Yes it is!!! Its all yours!!! ^_^
    Just let me know if your Wifi or SIM or Both and what trainer sprite you want to represent you along with your favorite ice pokemon from your party!!!
    ahaha yes,kingdra usually is forgotten due to the existance of other bulky waters like suicune,swampert and gyarados...but he is a real BEAST when used right!Mine is a Lum Berry defense based,so behind a dual screen (light screen + reflect) and with a couple of dragon dances + rain dance,it is capable of sweeping a hole team sometimes
    sorry for the wait man,having trouble to connect...hold on and ill be there in a sec
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