Absolutely love the newest pose of your panda. Love the new look of the face and beard. I can so see this guy fitting the stat spread that won. Gotta say that while you were right about a lot of the stuff you refuted in the art thread (Poliwrath being yellow, etc) the old color scheme was heaps better. I like the idea of the red and yellow because they are traditional Chinese colors, but I think they'd be better for a shiny version. The green just made the panda seem like a deity of nature. I could imagine stumbling across him in a beautiful Chinese jungle. Also, in nature panda eat nothing but bamboo and so are always seen against a back drop of green. As much as people want to complain about the green and the bamboo making it confusing because of the grass type thing I believe if you set the two side by side, one version red and yellow without bamboo and one version green with bamboo you'll see that the green is the better piece of art.