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  • o_k, i understand, just lemme know when you have time to meet again :).
    you can find me on #rarelyused, #pokemon, and various other channels on synirc, there are some links to the channels spread throughout the forums so we shouldn't have and trouble meeting =).

    and kk, thanks for letting me know
    uhhhh i use a few nicks on PS, the ones i've been using most recently though are BalloonAndBird, BravBrav, and Scraggy 2 Strong (the names come from what i was using on my team at the time when i started the alt). I'm not on PS at the moment but i'll log on and see if i can meet up with you.

    by the way, do you use irc?
    hmmmmm, i'm usually online for the majority of the day, so i think i'll be able to meet at around the times you mentioned =).
    sup sora13, i'm your tutor for BW2 RU this round! be sure to send me a vm asap so we can find a time to meet
    That's pretty cool. Where are you planning on going right now? I'm planning on going to Pomona but I might change my mind to Texas Tech.

    Ubisoft tipped us off to a new Flash game they've made to promote Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Now, it may just be that I've been playing a lot of Tomena Sanner lately but I think this is damn good.

    You can check out the game here. I do recommend it. A surprisingly fun diversion, this.

    Flash Games for Teenagers
    Games for Kids
    Arcade games
    Adventure games
    Casino games
    Yeah, thanks philip, my uncle died in a car crash, it was a blind turn.........oh well RIP
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