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  • Hi we are paired together for the smogon summer league round 7. I’m gmt +2 and can play during week end until 10 pm my time.
    Hi, we play for summer seasonal this week. When are you available to play? I'm GMT-3 and I'm good to play from 2 pm up until 11 pm my time on Friday / Saturday / Sunday (up until 9 pm on Sunday since that's the round deadline).
    Hello? Any update on your availability for this?
    Heyya, we play this week for summer seasonal, my discord is phonytail, please add me there to make scheduling easier o/
    Hey there! We're opponents for Week 1 of the Summer Seasonal. When are you free to have our match? I'm available Thursday from 9am-11 pm EST (2pm-4am GMT). I'm also free Friday from 6pm-11pm EST (11pm-4am GMT) and Saturday 10pm-1am EST (3am-6am GMT). Let me know if any of those times work for you.
    hey! friday around 9pm EST works with me, cya there!!
    Sounds good! I'll let you know when I'm online and ready to go then. Looking forward to our week 1 battle!
    I'm ready, I'll be on on smogtours as mylovemarshmallow so you can challenge me whenever you want
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