Can I add another restriction to your Darumaka?
So Darumaka was descended from Can'tdoit the Piplup, its 10x great-grandfather. Its 6x great-grandmother was abducted by the recently disbanded Pokemon Pinchers form Oblivia. While getting chased by the Rangers Ben and Summer riding Latios and Latias, respectively, they dropped Seviper into the ocean, where it was rescued by a Lapras and brought to Unova. Grim's past form was a Lillipup at this time, and Darumaka's 4x great-grandfather, another Seviper, killed Grim the Lillipup's last form during a Nuzlocke. Then, that Seviper took a female Darmanitan as a mate. Now, Grim hates your Darumaka, and every time they go in battle together, they try to kill each other.