The Royal Guard

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  • A while back I tagged you to send pokemon for a 5v5 FE battle with Zhengtann. If you sent the pokemon, then I have not received them. Could you please send or resend them so the battle can start? Zhengtann has already sent his.
    (welp) I started from scratch and I think it is done now. I hope your brother likes it. I think there is nothing to change. It looks good to me, but let me know if there is something bugging! :)
    Well that is what I have at moment. I was little bit busy because I had to do that Latios in picture. Trainer sprite is little bit bigger than trainers are usually, is that problem? It would be hard to make it any smaller and there wouldn't be many details left in sprite. I will make that dark blue/violet to more bright.

    Here is best picture of Leonis that I could find :)
    Hey! It is been quite some time since we last spoke. I would happily make sprite for him :)
    Oceans Cadence

    This Arena is a rather special one: It takes place in the middle of the ocean, on enchanted water. This enchanted water is able to support pokemon standing on it so there is a platform for the battlers to walk on. Surrounding the platform of enchanted water is a group of islands ranging from the size of a small house to a large island. These lay in a ring about 200 feet away from the 300 foot circular arena. the larger islands have wild berries on them that can be consumed to heal a small amount of health. Now for the fun part: There is a soft melody always able to be heard, and depending upon the intensity of the music playing(Music starts off very soft and calming and has a percent chance to change to a different pitch and whatnot{totally not a music student I don't know terms}) the waters can be calm and gentle, or horrible storms can occur in the blink of an eye. This music distracts the pokemon from exhaustion of the fight, and should the music stop, they realize how tired they have become, rendering them sluggish.

    Arena summary
    Water based arena
    Islands surrounding, about 20% hold berries that can heal 15 hp if eaten
    Music is playing, and determines weather and water movement

    50% Calm waters
    20% Rough waters(chance of water knocking pokemon around, dealing damage and slowing them for an action
    20% Hurricane conditions(pokemon are under the effects of Rain, cannot be changed at all, and deals 3 damage per action
    5% Maelstrom This is a dreaded outcome, removing the platform beneath the pokemon and sucking them under, dealing 7 damage per action and blocking any physical attacks and giving ranged attacks a flat 30% miss chance
    5% Music stops the Water and wind completely stop moving, and the combatants are placed under the sluggish condition
    If you could post in your TLR soon that would be great. I'd hate to DQ you at this point, given you could just forfeit if you don't have the time.
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