then explain this - how the fuck are any of these pokes more broken than dragonite, yet they end up in ubers?
wifi Blaziken (without speed boost) - wtf is he doing in ubers, really?
Darkrai - sleep clause stops any darkrai being broken as does mach punch.
Deoxys (any form except attack - which is still questionable).
Excadrill - people still complain about this guy? he is so average taking sand storm out of the equation, and even with it has a fair few hard counters.
Garchomp - WTF people really think sand veil is broken? yet multiscale and recovery move is not, thats just irish - his ability hardly ever even works and yet again you must rely on weather just for the CHANCE it will work.
Rayquaza - ok this guy is good, but i would much rather have him in my face than Dragonite in ou. Defensively he blows and is easy to revenge.
Shaymin - s - this one makes me laugh, who decided he was uber anyways?
Thundurus - annoying but by no means broken - Dragonite is both (annoying AND broken).