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  • Hey Spade when you can please can you PM me for a Ubers Battle? my friend code is 1249 7326 8157.
    It would be an honor to battle you if you can battle me.
    hey spade, when you get the chance, can you pm me for an OU battle? my fc is 4127 2950 2357. i would really be grateful if you can battle me
    Spade i battled u earlier this year and one but i realized that alot of my pokes were taking hits they couldnt so i checked them and they had boosted ev stats and im srry for battling u with them i want to know if we could hace a rematch ive been bteeding pokes to get them perfect iv/evs i have made several teams and want ti have an ou rematch.......srry if this is spam to u..........fc4728-7528-3960
    Hey FlamingSpade YOU AND ME BW2 RU TIER MATCH I WILL WIN AND I AM GUARANTEEING THAT. It's a battle between PokeTubers (only no one watches my content really lol)
    Soooooo what time?
    I see you with them unusual sets, but...I can give you...a monster set for Beautifly. Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Giga Drain and any move of your choice. Swarm as the ability and Modest nature. Bug Gem for the item.
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