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  • My idea for my Dusknoir OU analysis:
    Name: Choice Band
    1) Fire Punch
    2) Thunderpunch
    3) Ice Punch
    4) Earthquake/Payback/Trick
    Item: Choice Band
    Nature: Adamant
    Ability: Pressure
    EVs: 252 Atk/252 Def/4 SpD

    [Set Comments]

    [*] This set provides the best type coverage for Dusknoir. (13/16 weaknesses)
    [*]Trick helps Dusknoir use his moves more freely. It can also force your opponent to spam a harmless move, so you are free to switch. Eartquake helps by provinding a little more power against Rock- and Steel-types. Payback gives Dusknoir another 100 Base Power attack to use against Psychic and Ghost-types.

    I was just reading your Dusknoir post in the 5th generation OU tier. It's looking good so far, but you should really keep in mind that they generally aren't written with double/triple battles in mind; therefore, you'll probably get a LOT of arguments against Telekinesis.
    Oh hey sorry my wifi was down and I inadvertantly forgot about you :P

    anyways, what did you want to trade?
    Hmm I'll check back in a few hours, going to hang out with my friends for a few hours, but dont worry I'll take a look when I get back.
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