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  • There's an AR code to make random Pokemon appear - I grabbed it from this page.
    hmmm, probably 2100 your time wednesday or from 1300 your time to whenever on thursday, if those work? if not just tell me when you're available and i'll work around it. :)
    I'm sorry, it doesn't look like i'll be able to trade for the rest of the night;;; are you going to be available wednesday or thursday?
    It's no problem :) I might not be able to trade then though, i have to start chores now. VM me though and I'll see where I'm at with it? Sorry;;
    I can still help you :) I'm usually free during the week, so whenever you have time, just VM me :)
    hey, if you still need someone to help you tomorrow, i can do that :) I just can't get on wifi until then.
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