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  • Wow, it's only been four years since I was here for a month. :) It seems longer. Seems I've been stopping by once every two years, lol.
    I've got a Ralts avatar. :) I could change it to a Slowbro, but nah. I like Ralts. The avatar reminds me of Pokecheck ... I miss it.
    ... any and all of us can do is to try to make the world we live in a little more like our own vision of a perfect world. :)
    July 5th, 2013 ... I feel for all you folks. I hope all the hacking is over with. Excellent job to those who got the site back up.
    Don't forget to treat each other well! Just like USA, Smogon has to defend itself but it also has to consider the world's opinion of itself.
    Sorry, I don't think I'll ever become active again here, but again I'll wish everybody well ;D and I do mean everybody.

    I had bad experiences here so I feel uncomfortable here, but 99% of the time people here were fantastically nice to me. Zombachu and Shiny Mew2 and the Have A Nice Day super mod and others are just unbelievably awesome!

    Everybody be good to each other, and keep up your awesome Pokemon work.

    I wonder if I'm still OU? :D (speaking of Slowbro)
    Hi, just sticking my head in to say hi, and wishing people well. I've been spending very little time on the internet in recent months.
    Happy birthday! Did you know that your patrat group is the longest surviving group in my social groups? It wasn't the first one I joined, but I traded groups as long as I could to keep the icons on my page, and yours lived!
    Heh heh heh heh, silly slowbro just thought of a really silly question. For a substance to be "water", does it have to be in liquid form, or does it just have to be H2O? Do ice and water vapor qualify as "water"? (lol)
    I've been thinking about something kinda silly ...

    The USA public school system did a great job of brainwashing me to want to learn, but the school and anyone else who has tried failed to brainwash me into wanting to use anything I've learned to make money :)
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