What are your thoughts on shuca tyrantrum? I feel it's quite a good gimmick asit allows tyrantrum to check mence,Ekiller and allows it to tank an eq from burd even though you dont wanna switch into one and it also allows tyrantrum to beat groundceus 1v1 if it d dances on the switch in as +1 outrage 2hkos which groundy can't ohko it back.
Yeah exactly, and dusk mane us a generally scary pokemon in its own right + with prism armor it can check more than just geoxern. Solgaleo was always kinda meh cause it only did one thing which we already had aegislash for. (whos also pretty meh)
btw u should lurk the discord, imo. most folks nowadays just sorta talk ubers there if u want to see how usm is.