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  • Lol. I tried testing him as an anti-lead and it worked okay-ish.
    The last 1v1' I was pretty much praying hoping that Flygon wasn't Scarfed.
    Gg anyways!
    Your Kingdra was level...61?
    Meh, I'd assume all Pokes were 100 to begin with, but I'll do a rematch and set it as 100s. Sorry! Entirely my fault.
    Haha yeah when i saw it i was like oh god i'm so sorry. I honestly though though that the second bullet punch was going to ko anyway max/m,in damage strikes again, 10 hp live from it.
    I'm not dumb I'd roast to full after a t-bolt you might have a done a quarter I think I might have lived
    Remember I and fire blast you just got a lucky miss the first time. Lol
    Next time you consult me before you say nice dc because I never dc I hate it when people do that shit to me I'd never do it to anyone else. Now I'm off to make a real team good game kid challenge me when I'm back a full throttle 4 months is a long time to not play they keep taking away my dragons to so that hurt. (sob) first chomp now mence
    Don't ever accuse me of dcing. I never dc and you didn't quite win I had my bulky kiss who could take a t-bolt roost then air slash and then just run through your last three pokes and you didn't predict really I just gave up. Lol
    The pokemon is not a legal hack. It is a legitimately bred pokemon. The code has nothing to do with a legal hack.
    You accepted my challenge, I did not accept yours. There is no reason for me to read your sig nor follow your rules.
    just to confirm that i didnt dc, i had green signal all time. i dont know if you wanna try again or call it a tie (we both had 4 left)
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