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  • What's GOOD?! I wish I could get back into Pokemon, but that boat has set sail long time ago. I find myself watching Shofu's videos on youtube from time to time and then I end up here or on FriendCodes reminiscing. I miss the good old days lol
    Haha you ain't lyin.

    Ya I'm having the same issue with trying to find RSE Decoder...and besides I still can't figure it out so I guess I'm gonna give 5th Gen a go. Got lots of reading to do tonight lol
    I'm pretty much in the same boat. But I'm using Pokemon as something to keep me distracted that's FREE cause being a full time student leaves you kind of broke but I'm loving it though. Now I'm just greasin' up the old wheels in my head about RNG cause frankly I'm a bit lost again lol although I did manage to RNG my Emerald Starter as a shiny for a warm up lol
    Bro!!!!! I Know I've been GHOST for a while lol LIFE has been hectic lol what's up with you though?!?!
    Woah, nice breed lol Still trying to get through this last week of school before I am completely free D:
    Um, mostly RNG breeds. A few capture projects that will hopefully expand :D I'm working my way through smogon's competitive pokedex atm. I have very little events, so I don't think that will be up there lol. Eventually, when I Ev train my pokes, I'll include a section for that.
    You're a very smart guy :) Gives us plenty of time to get ready, plus it's a good idea for a shop.
    I never advanced frames for Egg RNGing I always picked a seed/delay that gave me whatever my save frame was. It's probably the easiest way to do it =). Since you know how to use Pikatimer this should be a breeze. =) But if you do opt to advance the frame you'll have to use the Journal flips. But I recommend doing the first thing I mentioned first. Since you have to keep in mind your save frame COULD change and it'll be time consuming having to advance the frame to 25 everytime and then coming to find out you landed on 4, 5, or 7 rather then 6. Trust me it happens.
    That's right so far. You enter the Ivs of the caught pokemon to find the seed. I believe it's the seed finder lol Then change the method to DPPt international and generate. Then search for your baby's IVs in the list. It will tell you what frame your on :) I g2g Maybe we can get this done tomorrow.
    D: That sucks. Tell me If you need any more rare candies lol
    What time do you usually go on FC or smogon?
    I'm unable to RNG yet xD, but I'm on hell of a good Ev'er IMO. :)
    I have around 100 pokemon left to EV...I know right?
    As soon as i get an AR for cloning, I'll have a thead here :D
    Good Luck man :)
    Dual Threads? Hehe you devious fellow xD That sounds like a good idea. I still gotta work on my RNG projects. And I'll also help you with your IVs SOON. Once things settle down a bit we can get this thing running!
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