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  • Hey, if you come on tonight, would you like to do our match? If not, can you be on at 10 am (GMT -8) tomorrow?
    I'll get this done whenever you want to really. If we are both on, I don't have a problem with playing, but I would like to aim for the weekend. Thanks, and Good Luck!
    the deadline is in three days, when do you want to battle im busy till 6 pm est on weekdays and not sure if that will effect you at all
    Hey, any time this weekend is good really. I'm on #stark whenever I'm online if you need to find me.
    I'd rather not since not since it'll never be an accepted metagame in Smogon. Since this is a very very new concept to even those playing in the tournament (of course, until they do a number of battles), we are likely not get a whole lot of beneficial results even for the tourney itself. I fear that there may be an awful lot of theorymonning
    nah there's always a chance... but anyways im on now, hit me up a msg if you want to battle today.
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