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  • Hey, we were matched for Round 3 of the Rands Slam Gen 9 IV open. I'm GMT-4 and can generally be available all day on Thursdays and Fridays. As for Saturday, Monday, and Wednesdays, I'd mainly be able to play from 8am-12pm. Tuesday, I'd be able to play from 3:30pm - 5:00 pm (all times in gmt -4/AST).

    Saturday/Sunday this week is a bit weird for me though, but you can always try msging.
    Hey, just wanted to update you on my available times. Thursday and Friday were changed :blobsad:

    I'll be available from 8am- 4pm on Thursday, and for Friday, I should be online at around 7pm -10 pm. Like before, Sat and Sun are variable, but you can msg me if anything.
    Sorry for not messaging sooner. I’m GMT -4 and am usually available from 5-11 pm every day but am available for longer on Friday and Saturday. What time works best for you? Again, I am very sorry about sending a message so late.
    Hey im GMT - 0 you wanna go now?
    Nugget O Silver
    Nugget O Silver
    I was asleep, sorry about that. I'm 4 hours behind you, so do you wanna shoot for afternoon my time/evening your time?
    Nugget O Silver
    Nugget O Silver
    Alright, today is the last day. We gotta come up with something. I don’t think either of us can call act considering how late both of us contacted each other. I’m gonna be off and on all day, I got somewhere to be later, but we gotta play today sooner or later.
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