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Hey, ur! I have submitted seven new teams to your bot, 4 for Sketchmons (G7) and 3 for Godly Gift (G7). Please check and submit them! And thank you for letting other people submit teams to the bot, it's very cool!
Hey, urkebab! I'd like to say, of course, thank you for creating ROM! Playing different metagames against your bot made my day countless of times... but now AbyssalBot's gone. What happened? Can you please do what you can to get the bot online again? Thank you and once again, love your server and bot! I'd like to submit teams later, if possible!
Heyo, coming to you as a 1v1 old gens rep. Resently, Gen 3 1v1 banned Destiny Bond, Self-Destruct, and Explosion, I believe either because if you can cause an opponent to faint with those moves, you win, or because they can cause draws. Either way, it would be excellent if this new ban could be added onto ROM for Gen 3 1v1. Thank you very much.
Hello, I was referred to you when I inquired about individuals who could help in coding my recently approved OM, 'Hot Potato' onto a side server. Is there specific process for getting it up and running somewhere? Or is it more of a casual "can you do me a favor" kind of thing?
How would you go about coding Fortemons? It seems like a pretty big project, but I’m not very deep in the world of coding. Also, how did you get your start in doing serious stuff like that? Do you need/have a background? You seem like a really thorough person, so I thought I’d ask you (I’m trying to get into it)