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  • can u play today or tomorrow?
    can u play today? I'm going to lunch now, but I'll be back
    I can't to play this time man,
    i can play in saturday in the morning and sunday in the morning and in the night

    saturday 9am at 11 am gmt -3

    Sunday 9 am at 11 am and 10 pm gmt -3
    hi manjin
    i can to play onthe weekend, the best time for me is beteween 9 and 10 am saturday or sunday
    my time zone gmt -3
    Let me know if any of these work for you.
    Im ready, GMT -3 after 7 pm (19h) in week days. Just answer me when u want to go. :)
    good lucky friend. have fun.
    i've been waiting for a while but you haven't been on irc since the 18th or on forums since the 24th. is there anyway we can get this done before week is over?
    hey bro i'm free tonight to battle from about 5 PM GMT until 9, I'll be busy for two days after that probably all day but I'll let you know.
    ey yo ich bin der giselo und mein leyben macht mich froh ich tanz so wie der dj bobo und ich ex auch manchma so ^___^
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