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  • sorry about not saying happy birthday...i wanted to tell you im back into playing pokemon.
    vash your awesome in IRL glad to have met up with you guys at Newark
    Hi Vash, my name is JRank and I have a request. Normally I would post in your thread, but my posts are usually ignored and I don't have much time. I'm going to Dallas this weekend for the VGC, and I need a Ludicolo for my team. I probably wouldn't ask, but I'm desperate. I haven't seen ANYONE with a Ludicolo, so I'm asking you. You can have anything from my now-defunct thread, but if you don't want anything, at least consider my plea.

    hey Vash the motha fuckin' bitch ass beast fucking ape nagger butt fucking.....the stampede.
    I'm your opponent for the that VGC 2010 tournament. So yeah, just contact and tell me when the best time for a match is for you.
    Hey, I was just wondering what was going on with the Lapras you were gonna breed for the still doing that or did you move on? I've got a couple of other ideas for Pokemon you should RNG if you ever need more ideas haha!
    If you log onto the IRC chat, we can talk faster. You remember how to get there?
    Playing Dark-Ryu in NU. Medicahm left with 1 HP AFTER I SURFED IT. Oh and btw, you have to go to my profile and talk for it to work.
    I made it to Semi finals and lost to a seven year old, who won the actual tourney. And look at my thread. It has *Banners*
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