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  • I can't find your Zigzagoon in the sea of Zigzagoon on the GTS. Please put up a level 15-40 wild Pokemon so that I can find your Pokemon and give you your Heracross.
    hi, I have an egg with your sv 3532, can you hatch it for me? my fc is 3454-1172-7638 and IGN is Eljugador99
    Hi, I have an egg matching your TSV, would you mind hatching it for me? Will gladly tip ya FC: 1392-5282-4853 IGN: SeaJay
    HI! i have an egg that matches your SV. I was wondering if you could hatch if for me. pLease get back at me. thanks in advance!
    I have a egg of Karp with SV 3532!! You can hatch this egg for me??? And send me back :) My FC is 5472-7203-2655. My SV is 579 if you need!! Thanks :D
    I have a egg of Karp with SV 3532!! You can hatch this egg for me??? And send me back :) My FC is 5472-7203-2655. My SV is 579 if you need!! Thanks :D
    Hey! I had a Honedge egg with that had the same value as your trainer value of 3532 It said on smogon that this is one way to reach you. My 3DS FC is 1676 5092 8757. If you could contact me as soon as possible that would be great! I could also get you a great IV pokemon as compensation. Thanks again!
    Hey I saw that you have an SV of 3532 on the database. I was wondering if you could hatch my egg for me. I could offer you any BP item for your time hatching the egg for me. Let me know if you would be able to! Thanks :] FC: 4897-7067-4114. IGN: Emery
    Hello, would you mind hatching a Swirlix egg for me? If possible, name it Velvet? My FC is 1134-8270-0013 and my in-game name is Shidei. Thanks for reading this message! c:
    Sure, I have added you, my ingame name is Togg. Please let me know when you are next around
    I'm online right now, and will be until 10:30pm PST! c:
    I have an egg that has 3532 shiny value, that is your SV right?
    Would you hatch it for me?
    I would really appreciate it.
    Like everyone that has hatched an egg for me, I'll offer a "Leftovers(Item)" in exchange, but I also have a 31/31/31/31/31/0 Male Brave Honedge if you're interested in that...

    My FC is: 0920-0711-0706 IGN is Alan.
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