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  • Dude, not cool. I saw your video with Zell, not cool. I know you probably don't care, but I really hope you're not like that in real life. That would be EXTREMELY pathetic. Not to be cliché or anything, but keep that up and you won't have any friends. Later douche.
    Dear Team Rocket Corporation member zHolyFlameZ,

    We would like to know why you have been inactive.

    We have many activities and things to participate that go on here in the Team Rocket Corporation; such as the Make-A-Move game, the Who's that Pokemon game, and our weekly newsletter The Modern Grunt, which is a very interesting and you can write for it yourself. Team Rocket Corporation offers on the competitive side as well. We are very into battles and hold Tournies and Giveaways. PO and Wi-Fi are both used in our group. We also have an excellent cafe that offers a mix of familiar food and drink items and items that are hand-sprited specifically for the cafe. It also functions as a spam room.

    We request you become more active because we do not want to boot you, but will if we have to.

    Sincerely, the Team Rocket Corporation Headquarters

    Team Rocket Corporation
    Hey, not sure what happened there. If you still want to battle, shoot me a PM or VM.
    Omg please read my other visitor messages, shofu didn't calc MY gengar it's max def max hp modest nature tbolt shadow ball destiny bond and psychic!
    I've pmed shofu and he's not responding because he cares about views so he will get money!
    Yeah, that was a great game. Also, lol you said the exact same thing the person below your comment on my channel said.
    You would not have won last match if I hit focus blast and you got the crit on rachi hax won you that last match for sure
    Ugh our connections hate each other, that focus blast miss was so important dude it would have killed ferro and I could sweep with latias, I definitely would have won that match
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