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  • Guess I'll try that and come back to the thread afterward. What's wrong with second 0 though?
    Maybe it just me but I did this
    1.SS and when the screen started to transition to the battle I press Start on the timer. unknown checked
    2.Caught the pokemon and found the seed and found the target frame.
    3. Entered target frame and press update.

    Here one of the issues I notice. One of my previous target frame was seed b79c, frame 91943. When I press update, the timer start at about 1535 which is as if the timer did not count the current advancement made by the game.

    4. I caught Mewtwo and the frame I landed on was 30000+ off.

    I used two eontimers and got a frame that was 1300 off, but that was tedious.

    Maybe someone with a fr rom can try this?
    Yea..., I have some issues.

    FR III-Unknown time

    Steps I did
    1. Press start w/unknown target check when I press A to go to the continue screen
    2. Capture a pokemon and got my seed
    3. Enter the frame I want in the timer and...The time displayed was the same as if I was trying to hit a frame regularly.

    1. Press start w/unknown target check when a pokemon was created
    2. Capture a pokemon and got my seed
    3. Enter the frame I want in the timer and...the samething happen

    For some reason when I press start, it does not subtract the target time from the time currently passed.

    Any hints? I tried alot of things
    Is it the eontimer in your sig? If so, I will try it (mainly on the weekend when I have huge amount of time)

    I have read your thread, if you don't mind I could be a somewhat guinea pig for eontimer 1.6.
    Sorry, rl called and I haven't been on the forums in some time. What method did you come up with?
    Really? :o That's weird. Why would they do that? .-.

    Well, I guess it doesn't matter. It's not to hard to manually find the slot :P

    Lmk if you discover anything and thanks again!
    Hey, Toast, I just tested the Seed/Frame thing again. I pasted the same seed as before (The one that I was using with a syncer) but this time I tried it without a syncher. So it said Frame 40 (The nonsyncable frame) would be Encounter Slot 8.

    So I went to the Peak area (I confirmed my seed) and hit frame 40. I was expecting to get a Graveler but I got a Magnemite, Lv 12. So it was slot 1. Does that mean that encounter slots are different for shiny/sync frames?
    Sorry, life got stupid on me. Still kind of is. You'll have the areas in a PM by tonight.
    If you haven't done them already...

    So when checking the encounter slots, are they the same with and without a sync?
    I'm using PokeRNG, Wichu's program. I use that to find all my seeds because it's faster. I already told you that on IRC though :P
    Yeah, the slots are still missing Swamp, Marshland, Wasteland, and Mountain (So 4 more). But don't feel rushed, I'm really only looking to abuse Blocks pokemon and you don't really need the slot tables to figure out which slot those pokemon will end up on :P
    Hey, Toast, am I allowed to teach people how to manipulate the Safari Encounter slots if they ask? I already taught one person but I realized it would be better to ask you before more people ask me, so I'm sorry if you didn't want me to tell anyone :<
    Ok, so it works for non syncing frames. Let me know if you figure it out for frames when a syncer is in effect. :)
    Hmm. So do you think the Seed/Frame thing will work for frames that don't need a sync?

    ID: 39393 SID: 63909 if they matter. And I was using an Adamant synchronizer. Do you need anything else? :o
    What do you mean by "lined up"?

    Well, when I put in frame 8, is says slot 6 but it's actually slot 3. And when I put in frame 12 it says slot 0, but it's actually slot 5. I haven't figured out any other slots on my seed since block pokemon are rather easy to force onto your wanted frame :p
    Hey, Toast, does the Seed/Frame thing give the correct Encounter Slot?

    I was using this seed: C20B0AF4 on frame 8, and when I went onto Plains and hit frame 8, I got a Level 16 Rattata, so that's slot 3. But when I paste the seed and frame 8 into the Seed/Frame part, it says my slot is 6...

    So I'm not sure. I used slot 3 to catch lots of Safari mons. Is it because I'm doing Shiny abuse? Because when I got the rattata it was shiny and I was using a sync. Does that make a difference?
    Question, does the seed/frame thing work is it just there to be filled in later?
    Also, is it going to determine whether there is a synch or not?
    Toast, you are so awesome. This was all thanks to you (Well, that I got it done so much faster than I would've :D)! I think this research should get you upgraded to a rain drop ;)
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