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  • Just to give you an update, I found my 3DS and the Rotom is ready to go. I'll be out today and tomorrow, but I can trade with you on the 26th.
    Yay it worked :)

    Let me know if it's Modest, I think I might have accidentally give you a Timid one :s
    Do you think it's my wifi? :/

    I don't know what could be wrong, I've got all 3 bars and I haven't had trouble trading for a while.
    Yep :)

    Btw, I checked the IVs on my Yanma. 30/31/31/30/30/31 HP Ground 70.

    My FC: 5114 5368 7270
    Sorry for taking so long, but I finally shifted the Yanma. If I see you online later today, I'll VM you!
    I got the Rotom done, but I can't find my 3DS, which is the only system that can trade online (curse you WPA security!) I'll let you know as soon as I can find it.
    Awesome! Gligar sounds good if you don't mind. I'll hopefully be done with your Rotom soon. I'll let you know when it's ready.
    No problem. Could I possibly get a female DW poliwag, vulpix, and murkrow? Natures and IVs don't matter, just that it's female and have the dw ability. If it's too much, just pick two or suggest another offer. I'm game for almost anything :)
    I can get you a Modest Rotom-W with 31/30/30/31/31/31 IVs (HP Ice) if you wish. Do attack IVs matter (besides getting to the desired HP of course)?
    Sure. I'll Pokeshift it for you tomorrow and we can trade then! I'll also give you the exact IVs in case you're wondering (I know for sure they are: 30-31/x/31/30/30/31).
    Ok, that's perfect then. I've caught 2 Modest Speed Boost HP Ground Yanmas! One is shiny on 5th gen. and one is non-shiny on 4th gen (But I can pokeshift it if you prefer non shiny! Or if you want a Yanma with Giga Drain).
    Hey, which ability were you looking for on the Yanma (HP Ground one)?

    Also, is the 31 IV in Attack necessary?
    Well it appears were against each other in the smogon tournament, I'll be on PO in 2~3 hours, I might be in NU though so look there too before wondering where I am
    Would be interested in joining the Smogon Secret Intelligence Service? I'm the other person from the battle you just saw.
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