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  • It is not currently possible to do non C Gear Abuse with DSi. You can still do C Gear abuse though.
    LOL! I've read the manga (or am reading it) but from the looks of things, it'll be another long series, haha. Not sure yet myself if I'm going to keep at it..Naruto, One Piece, Hajime (started..anime was better imo), are already taking enough time. I do try to keep up with Bleach too since I already started on them, haha. They're not exactly great manga reads...but when you've already dedicated yourself this far, haha.

    What got you into it?
    Hey, I have to go for a little while. What you need to do is take note of the second/delay that it tells you once you input the IVs and click find. Get 3 or 4 results, and PM me all of them. I'll try and be back on in a few hours. Sorry for the short notice.
    Hi I read that you're looking for a cloner=) I'm applying for the job:) I have an AR so I can clone really fast and as many clones as you need
    Credits are pretty much I Owe Yous. In other words lets say you want a Pokemon from my thread but I dont need anything. I would ask for a credit or a couple for one. In return, if I need anything from you in the future I could request it or get it from you.
    gyarados also had taunt but i had forgotten to use it. plus i was trying to see which move would hurt slowking more =/ oh well
    Yeah, it was fun for the most part.

    I'm just posting this here so I don't spam up the thread with gg's and stuff since I'm not looking for another battle or anything.
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