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LF: Touch trade for these just for pokedex (will give them back)
Roaring moon
Scream tail
Thanks in advance
I remember Gyarados can only get the happy hour move (not celebrate but could be wrong) anyway i have seen in a past a z-happy hour moveset with hasty nature, waterfall, earthquake and special move flamethrower...
LF: For touch trades only (will give them back)
Sword of justice trio
These are the last pokes i need for dex so any help i will appreciate it :)
Hello! Looking nickname services of 1 event (Sly zoroark) i remember some people had save files for nickname this event so if somebody still have the save files and can help me let me know, thanks in advance!
Hello! Looking nickname services of 2 of my events (2014 gengar and sly zoroark) if somebody still have the save files and can help me let me know, thanks in advance!
Edit: Nickname Gengar done only Sly zoroark remains
Hello! Looking For a user to help me transfer a poke from my secondary account to my main account on legends arceus ( i will trade you the poke from second account and you will give it back to me to my main) i can give a self caught shiny petilil as thank you! I want the trade to complete before...
Hello, looking the great ball kyogre and nest ball rayquaza from theorymon's past giveway, i had them and i lost them from little cousins accident, lol anyone have them and willing to trade them on gen 6-7 i will appreciate it, thanks
Edit: Got them, thanks
Hello, i am looking for SPBD synchro pokes with these natures modest/adamant/rash any other details doesnt matter pm if you are willing to help me, thanks :)
Edit: Got them, thanks
Hello, thanks for the amazing giveway
I am interest in these: 030, 070, 075 and 024
Ign: ChrisDoukas and timezone gmt+3 i will try to be available tomorrow
Easiest to contact me on discord
Thanks again :)