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PSPL, yo. GMT -4 (I think), I think you told Mex 'later tonight' but idk when that is relative to me. I'm out of work in ~7.5 hrs, free all day tomorrow.
Pinging Ailura, Goro Yagami, and micromorphic for paper trail purposes. Reached out to the foremost via FM (or whatever the smogon forum DM equivalent is) to schedule and have heard nothing back
Hello, PSPL week 2! I'm GMT -4 (i think), lmk your timezone/when you're available we can try to schedule something. i don't have any days off this week but am usually available after or before work so shouldn't be that difficult to work out.
hello, PSPL opponent week one. lmk what your timezone is + some times you're available whenever you're free. mine is ...EDT? I think that's the right version. Daylight savings sucks.