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  1. T_Tmiah

    hey, added you, i have instacheck working ....

    hey, added you, i have instacheck working ....
  2. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    You dont seem to be online? oh well still need to check eggs, any1 available?
  3. T_Tmiah

    added you.

    added you.
  4. T_Tmiah

    Hi, If you still giving away anything good i wont mind taking 1 off your hands ^_^

    Hi, If you still giving away anything good i wont mind taking 1 off your hands ^_^
  5. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    i can but i need to know your fc and ign. Edit: nvm
  6. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    i can but whats ur fc?
  7. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    amy1 available for a trade? just need 2 check a few eggs.
  8. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    thanks, going online now,
  9. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    amy1 available for a trade? just need 2 check a few eggs.
  10. T_Tmiah

    Hi can you hatch a pokemon for me? I need this 2864 3DS Friend Code: 0989-2768-6915 Name: Joynal

    Hi can you hatch a pokemon for me? I need this 2864 3DS Friend Code: 0989-2768-6915 Name: Joynal
  11. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    added u, let me know when your online
  12. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    need to check some eggs, any1 available for trade?
  13. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    i can but what is your fc?
  14. T_Tmiah

    3DS Friend Code: 0989-2768-6915, whats urs?

    3DS Friend Code: 0989-2768-6915, whats urs?
  15. T_Tmiah

    3DS Friend Code: 0989-2768-6915 Name: Joynal

    3DS Friend Code: 0989-2768-6915 Name: Joynal
  16. T_Tmiah

    dont need to check eegs yet. Do u still need me 2be online?

    dont need to check eegs yet. Do u still need me 2be online?
  17. T_Tmiah

    yep still need to check eggs. will be online in 6 minutes

    yep still need to check eggs. will be online in 6 minutes
  18. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    i have instacheck running is any1 available? need to check a few eggs
  19. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    added you, let me know when your online.
  20. T_Tmiah

    Instacheck Hotspot -- a fast Pokémon checker for XY

    what eggs? did you check the database to see if any1 has a matching tsv?