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  1. Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

    i wanted to help if it's not too late. i started hatching smeargles yesterday and im at my 6th boxes with no shinies. still ongoing untill 1000 i believe
  2. thanks a lot!

    thanks a lot!
  3. yay finally see you online! it's me sending you a trade!

    yay finally see you online! it's me sending you a trade!
  4. hey im online now if you are!

    hey im online now if you are!
  5. It was too early it was 7am my time haha anyways im be on tmr too so see you then

    It was too early it was 7am my time haha anyways im be on tmr too so see you then
  6. Im in gmt+10

    Im in gmt+10
  7. Whats your IGN? Btw im online now

    Whats your IGN? Btw im online now
  8. oh sorry i was at my girlfriends and didnt bring my ds. my fc is 2122-6796-6191 and IGN Ananas

    oh sorry i was at my girlfriends and didnt bring my ds. my fc is 2122-6796-6191 and IGN Ananas
  9. hello i've got an egg matches your TSV 3975! mind hatching that for me please?

    hello i've got an egg matches your TSV 3975! mind hatching that for me please?
  10. hello there i've got an egg matches your TSV 202! you mind hatching that for me please?

    hello there i've got an egg matches your TSV 202! you mind hatching that for me please?
  11. Thanks for the deino!

    Thanks for the deino!
  12. hey you mind hatching an egg for me please? fc 2122-6796-6191 IGN ananas already added you thanks!

    hey you mind hatching an egg for me please? fc 2122-6796-6191 IGN ananas already added you thanks!
  13. hey mind hatching an egg for me please? if so my fc 2122-6796-6191 IGN ananas thanks a lot

    hey mind hatching an egg for me please? if so my fc 2122-6796-6191 IGN ananas thanks a lot
  14. hi would you still hatch my egg?

    hi would you still hatch my egg?
  15. thanks again!

    thanks again!
  16. just saw you thankyou :)

    just saw you thankyou :)
  17. hey your TSV is 2764 right? would you mind hatching an egg for me please? my fc 2122-6796-6191...

    hey your TSV is 2764 right? would you mind hatching an egg for me please? my fc 2122-6796-6191 IGN Ananas Thanks
  18. oh sorry i made a mistake my egg's 2849

    oh sorry i made a mistake my egg's 2849
  19. hi one of my eggs matches your TSV! would you mind hatching it for me please? my fc is...

    hi one of my eggs matches your TSV! would you mind hatching it for me please? my fc is 2122-6796-6191 IGN is Ananas if you're willing. Thanks in advance
  20. nvm i'll send you a trade when i see you online

    nvm i'll send you a trade when i see you online