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  1. EeveeWillEatYou

    CAP 34 - Part 16 - Flavor Ability 2 Poll 2

    Anger Point Slow Start Pressure
  2. EeveeWillEatYou

    CAP 34 - Part 16 - Flavor Ability 2 Poll 1

    Anger Point Slow Start Heavy Metal Pressure Aftermath No Flavor Ability Light Metal Modedit: fixed spelling of "flavor"
  3. EeveeWillEatYou

    SV OU Peaked #1 (2059 ELO) – Quagsire Stall

    Goat team :quagchamppogsire: Big stall takes another W
  4. EeveeWillEatYou

    SV OU Frozen Magma. A Frosmoth Hyper Offense [2112, Peaked Number 2]

    It might just be me, but it seems the replays aren’t working
  5. EeveeWillEatYou

    SV OU Revenge of Gen 8 (1900s+)

    I also loved Gen 8, so it’s a super cool team. Also fun to see some more laid back balance. Very nice team :) :dragapult: Also, post some replays if you got time
  6. EeveeWillEatYou

    Other Metagames Custom Game Team (300th Post)

    Hey, none of the replays seem to work, I’d love to see whatever this thing is of a team in action, and it doesn’t seem possible right now
  7. EeveeWillEatYou

    Haven’t gotten that one before too be honest

    Haven’t gotten that one before too be honest
  8. EeveeWillEatYou

    All your life, did you know You'd be picked like a rose

    All your life, did you know You'd be picked like a rose
  9. EeveeWillEatYou

    Showdown players from Africa

    I’m not a great player, but I’m currently living in Zambia!
  10. EeveeWillEatYou

    Do you guys have a team africa discord which non team members can join?

    Do you guys have a team africa discord which non team members can join?
  11. EeveeWillEatYou

    SV OU GOATsire BO Anti-Weather (Peak #3, 2044 ELO)

    Just out of curiousity, do you really think booster on valiant is nececcary? Watching the replays you seem to rarely utilize the boost it gives. DOnt really know what other item you would run tho, maybe boots?
  12. EeveeWillEatYou

    Project Introducing: SV Fight Nights [ NEW FIGHT NIGHT, POST 206 ]

    Gotta say, that G2 ending was Flipping crazy. Good job to both players, very fun matches to watch :)
  13. EeveeWillEatYou

    SV OU (1500 ELO) Darkrai + Bellibolt Offense

    Keep up the great work, and keep spreading the gospel of belliGOAT! :
  14. EeveeWillEatYou

    Project Introducing: SV Fight Nights [ NEW FIGHT NIGHT, POST 206 ]

    Finch VS Niko happening in less than 2 hours!
  15. EeveeWillEatYou

    All Official B101 Pairing Records

    Assigned to Hiko Returned: 08/28/2024 Username: EeveeWillEatYou PS! Username: EeveeWillEatYou Your timezone: CET (gmt+1) Usual Hours of Availability: 3-6pm my time for weekdays, depends on the day, large variation during weekends. Overall pretty flexible as long as we schedule. Tell us a...
  16. EeveeWillEatYou

    Thank you :)

    Thank you :)
  17. EeveeWillEatYou

    SV OU OP G-Weezing Defog Stall [Peaked #25, 1925]

    Another victory for the glorious playstyle we know as stall. :Weezing-galar: Congrats on the peek, and super cool team too!