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  1. Raahel

    Tournaments GSC PL V - Signups [Use the form linked below]

    Username: Raahel Tiers Preferred (not binding): OU, UU, NU, PU Tiers NOT Played (binding): Ubers Time Zone: GMT-4 Forseeable inactivity: No
  2. Raahel

    I have personal problems take win and gl next round

    I have personal problems take win and gl next round
  3. Raahel


  4. Raahel

    Friday 7pm-4 so??

    Friday 7pm-4 so??
  5. Raahel

    Writte me on discord (raahel)

    Writte me on discord (raahel)
  6. Raahel

    Yeah yeah my bad today at 7pm-4

    Yeah yeah my bad today at 7pm-4
  7. Raahel

    Sure my bad today 7pm -4 works

    Sure my bad today 7pm -4 works
  8. Raahel

    Writte me on discord and can schedule more easy same name as here (raahel)

    Writte me on discord and can schedule more easy same name as here (raahel)
  9. Raahel

    Sure see you tomorrow

    Sure see you tomorrow
  10. Raahel

    Sure confirm me

    Sure confirm me
  11. Raahel

    Or today 11pm-4

    Or today 11pm-4
  12. Raahel

    Wanna rn?

    Wanna rn?
  13. Raahel

    When smogon masters

    When smogon masters
  14. Raahel

    GSC OU Rising Stars - Round 1 [Post #49]

  15. Raahel

    Tournaments RBYPL V - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize]

    Name: Raahel Timezone: GMT-4 Tiers Played (Not Binding): All Tiers NOT Played (Binding): - Interested in Bo5 RBY UU/NU/PU? No Significant Time Missed?: no
  16. Raahel

    Smogon Masters II - Signups

  17. Raahel

    Tournament PTPL VI - Player Signups (Auction Saturday 4PM -3)

    User name: Raahel Nome de Usuário (Username) Raahel Tiers Jogadas (Tiers Played) SV UU, SV RU, SV PU, SM OU Fuso Horário (Timezone) GMT-4 Falante de Português (Portuguese Speaker) No
  18. Raahel

    All Gens Retro Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Qualifying Rounds Playoffs

    Gano vs estuardo19, buena partida bro, gg