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  1. Antonazz

    Hey, when Can you play master ?

    Hey, when Can you play master ?
  2. Antonazz

    Yes, sure

    Yes, sure
  3. Antonazz

    Sunday 6pm +2 ?

    Sunday 6pm +2 ?
  4. Antonazz

    When master ? +2 here

    When master ? +2 here
  5. Antonazz

    Smogon Masters II - Signups

  6. Antonazz

    SCL IV - Player Signups [USE THE FORM LINKED IN THE OP TO SIGN UP] [Auction August 31st @ 2 PM GMT -4]

    User name: Antonazz Tiers NOT Played (binding) None Tiers Preferred (Not Binding) SV OU Time Zone GMT+2
  7. Antonazz

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Round 1 [TB @ #414] won gg
  8. Antonazz

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Round 1 [TB @ #414] won gg VAMOS FRANCE
  9. Antonazz

    9 pm is ok

    9 pm is ok
  10. Antonazz

    10 pm will be difficult, i'm not sure to be here

    10 pm will be difficult, i'm not sure to be here
  11. Antonazz

    This sunday 8pm gmt +2 ?

    This sunday 8pm gmt +2 ?
  12. Antonazz

    11pm monday should work

    11pm monday should work
  13. Antonazz

    Hey, when Can you play wc ? I'm gmt +2 and not avaible last weekend

    Hey, when Can you play wc ? I'm gmt +2 and not avaible last weekend
  14. Antonazz

    What about After 8pm gmt +2 ?

    What about After 8pm gmt +2 ?