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  1. wanna do 8pm saturday then?

    wanna do 8pm saturday then?
  2. Yo can u give me like 5 min lol playing another tour rn forgot

    Yo can u give me like 5 min lol playing another tour rn forgot
  3. Rby zu im +2 when

    Rby zu im +2 when
  4. Yea lol im down for the same time tmrw

    Yea lol im down for the same time tmrw
  5. sure thats fine

    sure thats fine
  6. can do 1pm saturday

    can do 1pm saturday
  7. Welp alr we go 7:30pm then yea?

    Welp alr we go 7:30pm then yea?
  8. How much later

    How much later
  9. Can u do like 6pm friday ur time?

    Can u do like 6pm friday ur time?
  10. Cool

  11. Can do today 6pm ur time

    Can do today 6pm ur time
  12. Yea sure

    Yea sure
  13. Can do 7pm ur time today

    Can do 7pm ur time today
  14. Tournaments GSC PL V - Signups [Use the form linked below]

    Username: SANKE CARP Tiers Preferred (not binding): UU, NU, PU Tiers NOT Played (binding): (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION) Time Zone: GMT+2 Forseeable inactivity:
  15. Thats good yea cya then

    Thats good yea cya then
  16. DPP DPP OU Summer Seasonal #6 - Round 8

    .. act … waited 20 min dont have more time
  17. lmk when u ready

    lmk when u ready
  18. Tournament SV NFE No Johns [Signups Live!]

  19. yea mb for not responding was planning to go next week yea as for the time .. the tz is pretty...

    yea mb for not responding was planning to go next week yea as for the time .. the tz is pretty bad. Ur saying u can do the whole day Tuesday - Sunday? if so something like 2 or 3pm +8 Wednesday or friday is good.
  20. u trollin .. anyway fine lets do 4pm

    u trollin .. anyway fine lets do 4pm