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  1. GLFGno7

    Tournaments GSC PL V - Signups [Use the form linked below]

    Username: GLFGno7 Tiers Preferred (not binding): OU Tiers NOT Played (binding): Ubers, UU, NU, PU Time Zone: GMT+3 Forseeable inactivity:
  2. GLFGno7

    GSC GSC Swiss I - Round 7 (Top Cut)

    won, ggs & mb for haxing my opponent's snorlax in g2
  3. GLFGno7

    Your 4 pm is the only time at which I will definitely be available, does it work for you?

    Your 4 pm is the only time at which I will definitely be available, does it work for you?
  4. GLFGno7

    Tournaments GSC PL V - Manager Signups

  5. GLFGno7

    Ok I don't know my availability atm but I will definitely find some time across this timeline...

    Ok I don't know my availability atm but I will definitely find some time across this timeline, will inform you as soon as I know
  6. GLFGno7

    What's your Sunday availability

    What's your Sunday availability
  7. GLFGno7

    Hi gsc Swiss, when can you play?

    Hi gsc Swiss, when can you play?
  8. GLFGno7

    Hi thanks Yeah better ask me on disc so we can talk about it properly

    Hi thanks Yeah better ask me on disc so we can talk about it properly
  9. GLFGno7

    GSC GSC Swiss I - Round 6

    won an intense series vs melancholy, ggs man
  10. GLFGno7

    hey i'm on tours, chal as soon as you are ready

    hey i'm on tours, chal as soon as you are ready
  11. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    Yeah I agree with both points. I'd only add that another solution could be limiting the number of sign-ups to one that will result in 2. First come first served and have any more be potential sub-ins in case some of the initial ones quit
  12. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    Yeah it's been a very good year indeed, thanks a lot mate
  13. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    Oh thanks a lot Mr mmedi master, took a bit longer than I hoped and expected but I'm now almost where I aimed for back then :)
  14. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    Yeah definitely. Or otherwise apply some tiebreaking criteria (like how many individual game a player has had during the tour). I know this may not seem fair but it's not like if 3 players that reach a final and tie at first the 2 of them will deserve winning it SIGNIFICANTLY less than the one...
  15. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    Thanks very much my great national teammate, time for you next year;) Truth is I do complain a lot about hax but it's so hard for me to digest investing so much time and effort and having it go to waste due to factors I can't control. I know this is one of the main dimensions of pokemon but...
  16. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    Oh I see. Yeah I got some stuff that made my life easier in g1 for sure
  17. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    MY behavior towards bihi? I didn't even address him (was just generally complaining about getting very haxed), he was ironic and even called me a "shameless mf". Dunno what you are talking about man and don't care tbh I don't even want to think about these series again I admitted I got some...
  18. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    Well if you had seen it when we played, that I had hardly picked up the tier seriously, you have a very good eye for spotting talent haha. Thanks for the kind words man, really. And hopefully we'll have some chance for a rematch:)
  19. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    also i'd like to say something else. 3-way finals are the worst thing ever, they can drag out an already lengthy tour, this was quite exhausting for me (in accordance with 2 other tours i was playing for at the time). half of my annoyance about losing the series vs bihi was due to having to play...
  20. GLFGno7

    GSC Cup X - Finals (Won by GLFGno7)

    won in 2 with the help of some lucky breaks (mostly in g1 i'd say, didn't really understand why my opp complained about g2, maybe i missed something after like 1,5 hour of playing), ggs