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  1. Stella_R

    omg, so Sorrry, I did timezone math wrong I'm pretty sure. I am available for the next 2 hours...

    omg, so Sorrry, I did timezone math wrong I'm pretty sure. I am available for the next 2 hours, Otherwise let's play tomorrow
  2. Stella_R

    Let's do Wednesday at your 8pm?

    Let's do Wednesday at your 8pm?
  3. Stella_R

    Sure, I just added you on Discord. let's discuss there

    Sure, I just added you on Discord. let's discuss there
  4. Stella_R

    ADV winter seasonal, When are you free to play? I am gmt -5

    ADV winter seasonal, When are you free to play? I am gmt -5
  5. Stella_R

    SPL XV - Player Signups [USE THE FORM IN THE OP TO SIGN UP!!!] [Auction January 7th @ 3 PM GMT -5]

    User name: Stella_R Tiers NOT Played (binding) SV OU, SS OU, SM OU, ORAS OU, BW OU, GSC OU, RBY OU Tiers Preferred (not binding) DPP OU, ADV OU Time Zone GMT-5
  6. Stella_R

    OU Secret Santa 2023

  7. Stella_R

    OU ADV OverUsed Ladder Achievements

    Claiming Bronze Knowledge Achievement My Showdown name is MedusaSN as it says in my about and in the screenshot. Thanks!
  8. Stella_R

    Resource ADV Beginner's Lounge - Rules/FAQ, Resources, Question & Answer

    How can I prepare for CM Suicune in my Teambuilding and gameplay? I find my teams keep losing to Suicunes that spam CM and rest. They get too bulky and wear down my team even after resetting buffs with Roar/Whirlwind. I don't usually win the PP stalling either because Suicune has pressure...