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  1. Aetherun

    Sorry it went out of my mind, since I'm the one who didn't show up you can take the win, sorry...

    Sorry it went out of my mind, since I'm the one who didn't show up you can take the win, sorry again for the bother
  2. Aetherun

    nevermind I'd prefer friday if it's still possible

    nevermind I'd prefer friday if it's still possible
  3. Aetherun

    thursday is good

    thursday is good
  4. Aetherun

    Hi, we paired together for natdex winter round 7, I'm gmt +1 available all evenings until friday...

    Hi, we paired together for natdex winter round 7, I'm gmt +1 available all evenings until friday included, can't play this weekend. When can you play?
  5. Aetherun

    works for me

    works for me
  6. Aetherun

    hi, preferably this weekend, any hour of the day is fine, I'm GMT +1. wbu ?

    hi, preferably this weekend, any hour of the day is fine, I'm GMT +1. wbu ?
  7. Aetherun

    National Dex National Dex Winter Seasonal III - Round 2

    Asked for availabilities monday, still no answer as today EDIT : Opp gave the win
  8. Aetherun

    Hi, we paired for NatDex Winter Seasonal R2. I'm GMT +1, available every day after 6 PM, and at...

    Hi, we paired for NatDex Winter Seasonal R2. I'm GMT +1, available every day after 6 PM, and at anytime in the weekend unless if I'm sleeping. When are you available ?
  9. Aetherun

    National Dex National Dex Winter Seasonal III - Round 1

    asked for availabilities monday, still no answer, even though they contacted me first ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Aetherun

    I'm available starting from saturday afternoon GMT +1 pretty much anytime except if I'm...

    I'm available starting from saturday afternoon GMT +1 pretty much anytime except if I'm sleeping, when would you want to play
  11. Aetherun


  12. Aetherun

    I'd prefer on friday tbh, this hour is fine on friday

    I'd prefer on friday tbh, this hour is fine on friday
  13. Aetherun

    Hi, we paired together for natdex kickoff round 5, I'm gmt +1 and available until saturday...

    Hi, we paired together for natdex kickoff round 5, I'm gmt +1 and available until saturday afternoon, what are your availabilities ?
  14. Aetherun

    Project National Dex Secret Santa 2022

    Hi Dahness, here's your Gumshoos team ! I'll be honest, I didn't find any better context for Gumshoos to unleash its full potential than in a Trick Room team. It's a very slow mon with a more-than-correct 110 ATK base stat, combined with Strong Jaw and everything it needs to exploit this...
  15. Aetherun

    Tournament National Dex Kickoff Tour - Round 4

    won in 2 ggs
  16. Aetherun

    that works for me, see you then

    that works for me, see you then
  17. Aetherun

    I'm gmt +1 as well, I would preferably want to play before friday if that's cool to you

    I'm gmt +1 as well, I would preferably want to play before friday if that's cool to you
  18. Aetherun

    Tournament National Dex Kickoff Tour - Round 3

    won in 3 ggs