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  1. perejil12345

    Sign-Up Apprentice Program Signups: Old Gens OU

    Username: perejil12345 PS! Username: 123perejil123 Signup Format: BW OU Your timezone: -4 Usual Hours of Availability: Weekday mornings Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Pikachu is my favorite Are you able to use Discord?: I can make an account.
  2. perejil12345

    New Name and Profile Change Requests (Yet Again) [READ THE OP]

    Hello, I would appreciate if I could get the 12345 removed from my name, thank you very much. :talonflame: ask again after your infraction exprires
  3. perejil12345

    Gen 5 Nasty Plot Celebi QC 1 WIP

    Hello friends, posting here, the bold parts are what's new from QC1 Thanks! QC1 WIP Nasty Plot: [SET] Name: Nasty Plot Move 1: Nasty Plot Move 2: Leaf Storm / Giga Drain Move 3: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Ice Move 4: Recover Item: Leftovers Ability: Natural Cure Nature: Timid Evs: 252...
  4. perejil12345


  5. perejil12345

    Welcome! hope to see more of you here.

    Welcome! hope to see more of you here.
  6. perejil12345

    Tournaments BWPL IV - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [Draft @ 31st August 5pm GMT]

    Username: 123perejil123 Time Zone: (-4) La Paz, no daylight savings Tiers Interested in Playing: OU, UU, RU Forseeable Inactivity: none.
  7. perejil12345

    Well, I dont really feel like playing, you can have the win.

    Well, I dont really feel like playing, you can have the win.
  8. perejil12345

    giving activity win :)

    giving activity win :)
  9. perejil12345

    BW Cup X - Signups

  10. perejil12345

    OU BW OU Hub

    Seeing the recent Cloyster ban, my question would be what other changes the community would like and when could we expect the next suspect test to be?
  11. perejil12345

    OU Fakes vs The World (Won by Fakes)

    Player Name: 123perejil123 Are you Fakes or are you Not Fakes?: I am not Fakes Are you definitely free Sunday, 2pm Eastern?: Yes
  12. perejil12345

    OU BW OU Team Building Competition mk.2

    Behold, the future of BW OU. Utilizing the mighty moltres, as well as the mythical mew, this team aims to work once, just once. Nobody ever saw it coming. Physical accelgor eats up Latios as well as Garchomp when theyre scarfed. Mew takes out landorus as well as most leads. If they lead ttar...
  13. perejil12345

    OU BW OU Team Building Competition mk.2

    Team15 by Quarante8
  14. perejil12345

    Tournament DLWC I - Signups

    Discord Tag 123perejil123 Eligibility Dominican Republic Interested in managing Yes If interested in managing, who is your preferred comanager, optional Significant time missed n/a
  15. perejil12345

    OU BW OU Team Building Competition mk.2

    This is actually my personal favorite team, employing two of my favorite mons, both dark types. While this team may not be the most balanced, I assure you, you will enjoy playing it. The Hermit: :bw/druddigon: The usual lead is druddigon, with access to...
  16. perejil12345

    Ah, thats a shame, i understand however.

    Ah, thats a shame, i understand however.
  17. perejil12345

    Hi, i'll be more active here today so we can settle a time. Im available any time throughout the...

    Hi, i'll be more active here today so we can settle a time. Im available any time throughout the day. I apologize for yesterday, work got a bit out of hand.
  18. perejil12345

    hi i just got home from work, sorry im late, are you still available?

    hi i just got home from work, sorry im late, are you still available?
  19. perejil12345

    7PM right?

    7PM right?