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  1. Abele01

    Should be fine, see you then

    Should be fine, see you then
  2. Abele01

    Tournament OUPL VIII - Player Signups

    Player Name: Abele01 Tiers Played: SS OU / SM OU / ORAS OU Timezone: GMT -3
  3. Abele01

    hey, we play for masters r4, i'm -3, i prefer during saturday (free almost all the day)

    hey, we play for masters r4, i'm -3, i prefer during saturday (free almost all the day)
  4. Abele01

    OU SM OU Ladder Achievements (Custom Avatar Available)

    Claiming knowledge
  5. Abele01

    Smogon Masters II - Round 3, Thread A [2-0 Matches, Replays Required]

    won ggs, sorry for the hax... :psysad: g1: g2: g3:
  6. Abele01


  7. Abele01

    dm me in discord Abele01, or i'll be online on main as Abele01 too

    dm me in discord Abele01, or i'll be online on main as Abele01 too
  8. Abele01

    i'm not getting notified for some reason, are you there?

    i'm not getting notified for some reason, are you there?
  9. Abele01

    hello, i probably can't after 8pm

    hello, i probably can't after 8pm
  10. Abele01

    hello, send in 5 mins to Abele01

    hello, send in 5 mins to Abele01
  11. Abele01

    Perfect, 7pm works?

    Perfect, 7pm works?
  12. Abele01

    hey, we're paired for Masters, im -3, does sat work? (i'm free mostly all the day)

    hey, we're paired for Masters, im -3, does sat work? (i'm free mostly all the day)
  13. Abele01

    Ss ou Last Chace when? I'm -3

    Ss ou Last Chace when? I'm -3
  14. Abele01

    Tournaments SM OU Ladder Tournament I - Cycle 1

    Forum name: Abele01 Cycle 1 Alt: SMLT 1SFZ Malaya01 Did you read this whole post?: yes
  15. Abele01

    Smogon Masters II - Round 2, Thread A [1-0 Matches, Replays Required]

    won in 2
  16. Abele01

    ok np

    ok np
  17. Abele01

    Hey can we move it for 30mins later or something like that? Is because i forgot i don't have my...

    Hey can we move it for 30mins later or something like that? Is because i forgot i don't have my pc rn, and i'm getting one now :/
  18. Abele01

    Alright, see you then

    Alright, see you then
  19. Abele01

    I'm -3, friday my 5-6pm works?

    I'm -3, friday my 5-6pm works?