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  1. Black Buddha

    SwSh Battle Facilities Discussion & Records

    Endless Dynamax Adventures - AI only - 14 wins This was a few days ago so I've forgotten most of it but there was a string of battles where AI Noah had a 5% HP Barraskewda- Every fight he'd spam Endure, and then occasionally use Aqua Jet and somehow not get targetted on those turns. He went...
  2. Black Buddha

    SPOILERS! Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon In-Game Team Thread

    Ultra Moon was one of the first games where I actually ended up swapping out and rotating quite a lot of Pokemon over the course of the game. The expanded dex means there are just so many mons that I'd love to use. But a bigger reason was how hard some of the totem battles were. Although I ended...
  3. Black Buddha

    Data Pokemon Sun/Moon Battle Mechanics Research

    I don't know about Custap being in Gen 7, but Custap doesn't really increase the priority of your move, it effectively just gives you max speed. Custap activated move with 0 priority will still lose out to a +1 priority move. Thus I don't think it would be affected by Psychic Terrain.
  4. Black Buddha

    Pokémon Tapu Fini

    Solid stats and a decent typing, with strange coverage- a water type that gets TBolt and Energy Ball but not Ice Beam? Nonetheless, IMO it could really do with some form of recovery. It's too bad it can't use a ResttalkCM set (not until its HA is released, at least). It's typing also means that...
  5. Black Buddha

    Resource SuMo Speed Tiers

    Perhaps 196+ EV Rufflet (Choice Scarf) could be put in the 24 speed tier? It's probably just as good a Scarfer as Doduo, if not better given its greater power and access to U-Turn.
  6. Black Buddha

    Metagame Sun and Moon LC Discussion Thread

    It can't have Knock pre-bank or tutor, but JK is a level up move so once you transfer a Knock Off Doduo from Bank you can teach it Jump Kick thanks to the Move Reminder changes.
  7. Black Buddha

    Announcement Plans for SuMo and Beyond

    Are we going to start in the prebank or postbank meta? Is there any point in prebank considering there's only around 7 weeks of that before bank is released?
  8. Black Buddha

    Metagame Sun and Moon LC Discussion Thread

    Issue with running LO on Dewpider IMO is it's just too slow and doesn't have enough bulk. It also reaches just 13 Spe with a + nature so Scarf sets aren't fast enough. Probably best to just use it with Eviolite, since it can get some serious bulk that way. In a way I see it as kind of like...
  9. Black Buddha

    Metagame Sun and Moon LC Discussion Thread

    Now that Rufflet gets Brave Bird, the only thing that it fails to 2HKO is Honedge and Eviolite Archen. How do you stop this thing unless you dodge everything?
  10. Black Buddha

    Metagame Sun and Moon LC Discussion Thread

    Porygon gets to use Analytic + Tri Attack and Recover, I think. Bronzor learns Hypnosis at Lv 5 anyway so I think that's legal already.
  11. Black Buddha

    Metagame Sun and Moon LC Discussion Thread

    It has a pretty barren movepool though. For Physical moves, it gets just Gear Grind, Return, Wild Charge. That's it. It has a couple of cool moves such as Recycle, Thunder Wave and Magnet Rise. Steel / Electric / Normal isn't too bad admittedly, but it does get beat by stuff like Magnemite and...
  12. Black Buddha

    Project Community Team Dump

    Here's a couple of fun teams that are decent enough: Croagunk @ Life Orb Ability: Dry Skin Level: 5 EVs: 188 Atk / 188 SpA / 116 Spe Naughty Nature - Fake Out - Vacuum Wave - Sucker Punch - Sludge Wave Gastly @ Choice Scarf Ability: Levitate Level: 5 EVs: 116 HP...
  13. Black Buddha

    Metagame Sun and Moon LC Discussion Thread

    Maybe I'm giving too much credit to Vulpix, but don't you think access to Aurora Veil and Encore would push it up to at least B? It's been confirmed that Light Clay extends Aurora Veil time now, and with Encore and Hypnosis Vulpix should be able to find some time to set it up.
  14. Black Buddha

    Metagame Sun and Moon LC Discussion Thread

    Some Z-status moves might have some merit, but given that you need to give up Eviolite or Life Orb or Scarf etc it might not be worth it. And Z-Moves don't even use up the item so Unburden and Acrobatics aren't triggered. Seems that you'd have more power using a Life Orb throughout the game than...
  15. Black Buddha

    Serious US Election Thread (read post #2014)

    I'm just dropping by to say that the talk from the DNC and CNN about how maybe Tim Kaine and the like could lead the charge in 2020 absolutely boggles my mind. As an Indian, their behaviour reminds me of how the INC (the party that has been in power around 90% of the time, founded before...
  16. Black Buddha

    Alolan Vulpix, Ninetales Discussion

    ^ Agree with the above post, not only that but a great Speed as well as access to Encore, Aurora Veil, Nasty Plot and Disable could make it a threat to defensive teams. Combined with Slush Rush users like Sandslash and newly buffed 130 base attack Beartic, this could definitely be something to...
  17. Black Buddha

    Metagame Sun and Moon LC Discussion Thread

    Nobody mentioned Aurora Veil on Vulpix? Could have some use on a Scarf set where you want to Aurora Veil on something that can kill you. It gets Encore too, so perhaps it can find opportunities to set up with a Light Clay set as well. Sandygast is cool, no water immunity sucks but good coverage...
  18. Black Buddha

    Movepool changes

    Kind of ridiculous that Amaura / Aurorus don't get Aurora Veil. It's right there in the name! And it's not like they didn't want to give a Pokemon the ability to set up Aurora Veil automatically with Snow Warning, considering Alolan Vulpix and Ninetales get Aurora Veil. And unless they revert...
  19. Black Buddha

    Alolan Vulpix, Ninetales Discussion

    I'm guessing you're right. Do we know whether Light Clay extends it's duration? 65 base speed gets to 16 speed I believe, that might be fast enough to warrant a Light Clay set. Shame it doesn't get Memento or anything like that to get a set up sweeper in safely. I've realised that this also...
  20. Black Buddha

    Mudbray, Mudsdale Discussion

    If Mudbray had SR or some recovery like Slack Off, perhaps it could have been a threat in LC, but right now I don't see much point in using it. I guess it could run a tank set holding Berry Juice with EQ / Rock Slide / Heavy Slam (I get the feel it's a lot heavier than the average LC mon) / CC...