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  • Users: Aaronboyer
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  1. Aaronboyer

    Social The Smogon Photo Album

    He's SO BIG, I'm glad you still seem to be doing alright!
  2. Aaronboyer

    Tournament ZUWC I - Signups

    if durza is gonna sign up I guess I should too Player name: Aaronboyer Country / State of Residence: US West Other Eligibilities: n/a Interested in Captaincy: No
  3. Aaronboyer

    Strutting the Catwalk: Tips and Tricks to Gen 4’s Battle Hall

    not really, I suppose you can shelve this
  4. Aaronboyer

    ZU ZU Open - Round 1

    Opponent has not been online since Monday, requesting activity for now, still awaiting a response though to try and get it played
  5. Aaronboyer

    ZU ZU Open - Signups

  6. Aaronboyer

    ZU ZeroUsed Ladder Tournament - Cycle 3

    Aaronboyer ZULT26R Aaronboyer palphaps
  7. Aaronboyer

    ZU ZeroUsed Ladder Tournament - Cycle 2

    Aaronboyer ZULT92I Aaronboyer yes
  8. Aaronboyer

    ZU ZeroUsed Ladder Tournament V - Cycle 1

    Forum name: Aaronboyer Cycle 1 Alt: ZULT69ZAaronboyer Does my alt for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules? Yes
  9. Aaronboyer

    ZU ZU Open Signups

  10. Aaronboyer

    ZU ZU Classic V - DPP ZU Cup [Won by MrSoup]

    opponent didn't have any legal teams when we were both online earlier in the week, then missed the rescheduled time on saturday, calling act
  11. Aaronboyer

    ZU ZU Classic V - ADV ZU Cup [Won by Monai] won in 2, first game was much better than the second
  12. Aaronboyer

    Tournament ZU Olympiad I - Players sign up

    PS! Username: Aaronboyer Timezone: -6 Tiers played: SS / SM / ORAS / DPP / ADV Significant time missed: n/a
  13. Aaronboyer

    Project SS ZU Secret Santa 2022

    Merry Christmas Hitmonstars! You asked for a team built around Choice Specs Poliwrath. :poliwrath: :klinklang: :rotom: :miltank: :coalossal: :shiftry: replay team I'm not a huge fan of Specs Poliwrath just because of the utter dominance of Articuno which nearly completely walls it. Klinklang and...