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  • Users: mncmt
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  1. mncmt

    11am urs?

    11am urs?
  2. mncmt

    Does sunday work for you

    Does sunday work for you
  3. mncmt

    Smogon Premier League XVI - Week 1

    Won gg! got blessed bc im a CLT
  4. mncmt

    Yo im gonna be on as paula ambenno

    Yo im gonna be on as paula ambenno
  5. mncmt


  6. mncmt


  7. mncmt

    Free weekends between 1pm-9pm gmt-3, whens best for you

    Free weekends between 1pm-9pm gmt-3, whens best for you
  8. mncmt

    Signups PUBD II - Manager Signups [New Format!]

  9. mncmt

    SPL XVI - Player Signups [USE THE FORM IN THE OP TO SIGN UP] [Auction January 5th @ 1 PM GMT -5]

    Username: mncmt Tiers NOT Played (binding) None Tiers Preferred (not binding) SV OU Time Zone GMT-3
  10. mncmt

    12 Days of Likeshop - 2024 - it's time to go

    I did not agree with this. Thank you
  11. mncmt

    Signups SPL XVI - Manager Signups

  12. mncmt

    Signups UUbers PL - Player Signups

    In Bo3
  13. mncmt

    Tournament PTPL VI - Week 3

    Won gg
  14. mncmt

    Sounds good

    Sounds good
  15. mncmt

    Ptpl, what time sunday?

    Ptpl, what time sunday?
  16. mncmt

    Tournament RUWC VI - Round 1

    Won vs azogue, gg
  17. mncmt

    Tournament PTPL VI - Commencement Thread

    Como infelizmente isso virou signup por forms nao deu pra especificar oq eu quero jogar, se gouging fire for ban quero APENAS jogar OU se nao for só UU, e tbm NÃO VOU JOGAR as 2 primeiras semanas e nem ser ativo mas dps disso vou estar suave pra startar o restante ✌️
  18. mncmt

    Tournament PTPL VI - Player Signups (Auction Saturday 4PM -3)

    User name: mncmt Nome de Usuário (Username) mncmt Tiers Jogadas (Tiers Played) SV OU, SV UU Fuso Horário (Timezone) GMT-3 Falante de Português (Portuguese Speaker) Yes
  19. mncmt

    Tournament PTPL VI - Commencement Thread

    Devido à postagem ultrajante, medonha e porca feita acima (não a sua Hyoga, eu te amo), resolvi, com todo meu conhecimento e expertise adquiridos ao longo da minha carreira como jogador, treinador e estrela Pokémon, compartilhar a verdadeira lista de destaques PTBRs que deveriam ser comprados no...
  20. mncmt

    Playoffs Grand Slam XIII - Playoffs [Won by LpZ]

    Really sad to lose another finals but i didnt really expect to get here in the first place since i was just playing the opens bc i was bored LOL Huge s/o to ASKOV for carrying me in UUopen and in the poffs, thanks to his teams i didnt drop a single uu game all poffs and having such a strong...