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  1. Ajencis

    got it, thanks

    got it, thanks
  2. Ajencis

    can we plan for friday then? is there a chance you'll be able to get a firmer time closer to friday?

    can we plan for friday then? is there a chance you'll be able to get a firmer time closer to friday?
  3. Ajencis

    hello heysup, how are you? could you play for uwl friday ~10am to ~3pm -6? if not, would that...

    hello heysup, how are you? could you play for uwl friday ~10am to ~3pm -6? if not, would that timeslot or a nearby one work any other day (besides sunday)?
  4. Ajencis

    Tournament UWL III - Week Two gg!
  5. Ajencis

    Lower Tiers ADV Ubers Metagame Discussion

    anything's possible if you get enough interest, i sorta think adv ubers would be very very different without just kyogre and don and maybe deoa, so you could test that out, might need to ban tios as well. i probably wouldn't play it personally though.
  6. Ajencis

    8pm +0 is perfect, until then!

    8pm +0 is perfect, until then!
  7. Ajencis

    we're playing for uwl, i generally prefer like 4pm to 9pm +0 any day but sunday but ideally...

    we're playing for uwl, i generally prefer like 4pm to 9pm +0 any day but sunday but ideally later in the week. would this timeslot work for you?
  8. Ajencis

    Programming Pokémon Showdown Damage Calculator

    fix is appreciated, thanks 252+ Atk Choice Band Deoxys-Attack Superpower over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 56+ Def Skarmory: 297-350 (88.9 - 104.7%) -- 31.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery it does still appear to not be taking lefties into account if they occur between multiple hits of the...
  9. Ajencis

    Programming Pokémon Showdown Damage Calculator

    it's possible that this is the same bug as in the previous message but using the calculator in gen3 mode move damage is not consistent when clicking the same moves multiple times 252+ Atk Choice Band Deoxys-Attack Superpower vs. 252 HP / 56+ Def Skarmory: 178-210 (53.2 - 62.8%) -- guaranteed...
  10. Ajencis

    Tournament UWL III - Week One

    won despite some misplays, gg
  11. Ajencis

    3:30 sat is perfect, until then :)

    3:30 sat is perfect, until then :)
  12. Ajencis

    i like playing early afternoon -5 if possible, can do any day but sunday but would prefer later...

    i like playing early afternoon -5 if possible, can do any day but sunday but would prefer later in the week. any chance sometime between like 11am and 4pm saturday works?
  13. Ajencis

    Validator Gen 3-4 PIDIV validation

    out of curiousity, what sort of file size are you looking at max? i assume that like a sorted list of the seeds is too big, for instance
  14. Ajencis

    Validator Gen 3-4 PIDIV validation

    understood, thanks; i didn't think a lookup table would work for obvious reasons but i thought i'd offer anyways. i assume there is no eta on a fix?
  15. Ajencis

    Validator Gen 3-4 PIDIV validation

    A bit more info: possible Wish Salamences are those with seeds 0x0 through 0xFFFF generated BADC. I can provide a list of all 65000 possible spreads if desired. This will affect the other 5th Anniversary events as well; those being Iron Defense Bagon, Wish and Teeter Dance Pichu, Wish and Charm...
  16. Ajencis

    Validator Gen 3-4 PIDIV validation

    What type of bug are you reporting? Teambuilder What is the bug? IV/nature combinations for Wish Salamence allow illegal Pokemon; Wish Bagon was distributed at an event that used seeds from 0 to 65535, making the number of different spreads possible limited. PS!'s teambuilder does not...
  17. Ajencis

    Resource Ubers Old Gens Hub

    i've done a bit of research on the wish salamence event. n.b. that any or all of this may be incorrect but i am fairly confident. there is a quirk in the seed generation such that there are only 65536 possible different eggs. the rng is not used to determine which move or pokemon is given out...
  18. Ajencis

    Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    to my understanding this event has an issue with the seed generation such that there are only 0x10000 possible spreads. this is actually why i ask, because i play a tier where wish salamence is viable and there aren't that many good spread/nature combos with 0x10000 possible spreads - and if...
  19. Ajencis

    Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    great, thanks; so if i understand correctly every possible seed generates a possible spread for each pokemon/move combination? eg any of the possible mons could have the pid etc given by a seed of 0?
  20. Ajencis

    Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    how did the pokemon center 5th anniversary eggs determine which pokemon and which move were given out? did it use the rng, and if so which advance?