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  1. Ragnarokalex

    [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Requested: Amoonguss Deposited: Lvl 1 Female Cutiefly IGN: Arlin Thanks a ton for this, this will finally finish off that UU team I have been trying to get figured out.
  2. Ragnarokalex

    Thanks a ton! This definitely helps get that team to completion.

    Thanks a ton! This definitely helps get that team to completion.
  3. Ragnarokalex

    Yungoose deposited, lvlv 10 female. Its not requesting a level 1 weedle, because I haven't seen...

    Yungoose deposited, lvlv 10 female. Its not requesting a level 1 weedle, because I haven't seen one yet so I cannot. IGN Arlin, message I want to fill my Pokedex.
  4. Ragnarokalex


  5. Ragnarokalex

    Ok, I have you added and can hop online right now if you are available right now. FC: 0920 -...

    Ok, I have you added and can hop online right now if you are available right now. FC: 0920 - 0078 - 0763 IGN. Arlin
  6. Ragnarokalex

    ah you beautiful person, thanks a bunch. Did you want anything in particular back for it?

    ah you beautiful person, thanks a bunch. Did you want anything in particular back for it?
  7. Ragnarokalex

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Level ball would be really cool if it's not a problem.
  8. Ragnarokalex

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Hey guys, trying to get a UU team together, and I find myself struggling to get ahold of a calm regenerator Foongus and a jolly Weedle. I can offer breedable mons from my spreadsheet Here for them(Shinies would require cloning which I don't have access to/time for). I would definitely entertain...
  9. Ragnarokalex

    pilica12's Giveaway (Preparing for OU Giveaway; do not post)

    Hey there, really cool giveaway, thought i might request some stuff to attempt working towards doing RU. Requesting: Yanmega (RU Wallbreaker) Depositing: Level 22 male Salandit IGN: Arlin Message: I want to fill my Pokedex. Also: Requesting: Goodra (RU Wallbreaker) Depositing: Level 8 Male...
  10. Ragnarokalex

    Thanks a ton!

    Thanks a ton!
  11. Ragnarokalex

    whoops, hit wrong button @.@

    whoops, hit wrong button @.@
  12. Ragnarokalex

    yea i just need one.

    yea i just need one.
  13. Ragnarokalex

    sorry for the late response, its in Gen 7 and I am hopping online now.

    sorry for the late response, its in Gen 7 and I am hopping online now.
  14. Ragnarokalex

    hey Max. Optimizer, I do indeed still need help cloning this zapdos. I am free for about the...

    hey Max. Optimizer, I do indeed still need help cloning this zapdos. I am free for about the next 6 hours, so just let me know when you are available and how you would like to do this.
  15. Ragnarokalex

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Hey everyone, am desperately searching for a cloner to clone a single copy of a mon for me. If you can help me out shoot me a message and we can work it out.
  16. Ragnarokalex

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Looking for a Bold Zapdos for a tournament this weekend. Would be very helpful if it was either 5 IV or HT. Can offer multiple mons within reason from my trade sheet Here.
  17. Ragnarokalex

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Hey that's a thing I'm also wanting to work on. I could also really use a Rare kitchen if you dont mind me nabbing that from ya. FC is in sig, IGN will be Arlin.
  18. Ragnarokalex

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    I have A couple contrary Snivies with 4 Egg Moves in Friend Balls With Hidden Power Fire (And a couple with water) that i could trade if you still need one. Shoot me a Vm or PM about it and we will figure it out.
  19. Ragnarokalex

    Twilight Town's Giveaway Depot - New Additions! - UBs, Items, Dittos, Legends, TSV checks and more.

    Well, I got sniped again, so I am gonna repost and hope third times the charm.
  20. Ragnarokalex

    Twilight Town's Giveaway Depot - New Additions! - UBs, Items, Dittos, Legends, TSV checks and more.\ Reposting since i got sniped, thanks again!