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  1. Unowninator

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    I now have an extra 0 Speed Enamorus from Pokemon GO. I'm looking for something rare, such as fitting titles (Alolan Sandslash the shivering would be nice since I play Scarlet), jumbo legendaries* (which I think are only possible from Pokemon GO), and shiny mythicals (which I'm not counting on)...
  2. Unowninator

    Resource Battle Stadium Singles Regulation H and G Dex Updates And Suggestions

    Typo in Avalanche versus Wave Crah:
  3. Unowninator

    No, but thanks for asking.

    No, but thanks for asking.
  4. Unowninator

    All Official DLC Movepool Additons via TMs and then some (Part 1) - Spoiler-Free

    *sigh* First they take away Snorlax's Selfdestruct, which I was going to use in Doubles with Rabsca's Telepathy & Revival Blessing, and now Smeargle doesn't get Revival Blessing. The only interesting thing I found is Sceptile gets Shed Tail now, but that doesn't mean anything except online.
  5. Unowninator

    All Official DLC Movepool Additons via TMs and then some (Part 1) - Spoiler-Free

    WHAT?! Seriously?! I've been looking forward to that since it was in the trailer! There goes my plans.
  6. Unowninator

    All Official DLC Movepool Additons via TMs and then some (Part 1) - Spoiler-Free

    Apparently Luster Purge & Mist Ball both got their power buffed to 95. Also, since Smeargle came back, I decided to list its new toys that I thought were noteworthy: -Revival Blessing -Mortal Spin -Doodle (for Double battles) -Fillet Away (for Baton Pass where it's legal) -Salt Cure -Shed Tail...
  7. Unowninator

    SPOILERS! Indigo Disk Discussion

    Crap, I think they are set in stone. Every time I caught Gouging Fire, all 6 IVs are "Pretty Good." So much for a 0 Speed IV for Raging Bolt.
  8. Unowninator

    SPOILERS! Indigo Disk Discussion

    Are the IVs for Terapagos, Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt pre-set? I know Ogerpon's are pre-set, but what about these new Pokemon?
  9. Unowninator

    SPOILERS! Indigo Disk Discussion

    Interesting. Thanks. I expect Kieran to say something about Ogerpon too. Am I right?
  10. Unowninator

    SPOILERS! Indigo Disk Discussion

    Oh? What does she say?
  11. Unowninator

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    LF: Smeargle w/ Burning Bulwark. FT: Any Apriball. Don't worry about the IVs; I can always Sketch it to a better Smeargle.
  12. Unowninator

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    I've some from the GTS, though a couple are 6IV. I'll give you an Enamorus that only has 3IVs in exchange for 2 Beast Balls.
  13. Unowninator

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Does anyone have Pikachu in a Dream Ball for the 3DS? I'm trying to get Alolan Raichu in one, but it was only released in Japan, apparently. Edit: Also, I'd like these other Alolan forms in Dream Balls: Grimer, Cubone, and Diglett. I'd be happy to trade anything including Mythicals. NVM...
  14. Unowninator

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Is the game a Japanese copy? Because that Mew was only released in Japan
  15. Unowninator

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    LF: Legendaries w/ 0-1 Speed IV. FT: Shiny SwSh event legends and Scarf Zarude. (All cloned, but obtained legitimately by myself personally). I'm most interested in Calyrex, Glastrier and Enamorus which I will trade 3 things for. Edit: Oh, I'm offering the shiny Galarian birds, shiny...
  16. Unowninator

    Generation IX: Scarlet & Violet [LOCK]

    Yeah, I am, but I didn't know the command, so I've been using the wrong link code the entire time.
  17. Unowninator

    Generation IX: Scarlet & Violet [LOCK]

    I'm a little confused on what to do for cloning. I'm offering my Mightiest Pikachu and the bot quits.
  18. Unowninator

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Thanks. In that case: LF: Touch trade the DLC legendaries. (I WILL RETURN THEM ALL) FT: Clones of shiny Galarian Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Zacian, Zamazenta, and/or Eternatus.