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  • Users: nv
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  1. nv

    I miss you too. I don’t think I’ll ever fully come back unfortunately. :(

    I miss you too. I don’t think I’ll ever fully come back unfortunately. :(
  2. nv

    Like I told Eternally One day. Maybe ;)

    Like I told Eternally One day. Maybe ;)
  3. nv

    Like I told Chloe One day. Maybe. ;)

    Like I told Chloe One day. Maybe. ;)
  4. nv

    One day. Maybe. ;)

    One day. Maybe. ;)
  5. nv

    It’s okay. I’m surprised I got them grayed out. :x

    It’s okay. I’m surprised I got them grayed out. :x
  6. nv

    Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Full Potential and Inheritance :psysly: We need to have some fun this month, plus...who wouldn’t love a comeback from me? :psyglad: P.S. apparently Chloe since she didn’t nom Full Potential. :psysad:
  7. nv

    Evos for Everyone (Slate 21- Keep it Simple)

    New Pokemon Name: Seashoal (corruption of seashell + shoal, which is another word for coral reef) Evolves By: leveling up with another Corsola in the party Type: Ability: Dense* / Kelp* / Magic Guard *Dense - Halves damage from physical moves. (Fur Coat clone) *Kelp - Sap Sipper clone, but...
  8. nv

    Evos for Everyone (Slate 21- Keep it Simple)

    New Pokemon Name: Crimsagama (crimson + agama) Type: Ability: Rock Head / Sheer Force / Ramifications* (Takes 50% less damage from Dragon- and Rock-type moves. Thick Fat clone) Stats: 87 (+10) / 130 (+10) / 100 (+10) / 60 / 100 (+10) / 88 (+40) BST: 565 New Moves: Fireball*, Dragon Rush, Head...
  9. nv

    Evos for Everyone (Slate 21- Keep it Simple)

    New Pokemon Name: Sapphyte (sapphire + stalactite) Evolution Method: Level up with a Steel-type Pokémon in your party. Type: Ability: Levitate / Blue Steel* *Immune to Fire-type attacks (Levitate clone) Stats: 100 (+50) / 50 / 150 / 50 / 150 / 50 550 BST New Moves: Recover, Spikes, Toxic...
  10. nv

    Evos for Everyone (Slate 21- Keep it Simple)

    New Pokemon Name: Cadenescent (cadence + luminescent) Evolution Method: Level up past level 35 with an Illumise in your party Type: New Moves: Hyper Voice, Healing Wish, Swords Dance, Leech Life, Zing Zap Ability: Illuminate* / Prankster / Galvanize (*Illuminate unleashed a blinding light...
  11. nv

    Surprised mine hasn’t been grayed out or taken away yet. :o

    Surprised mine hasn’t been grayed out or taken away yet. :o
  12. nv

    And what have you done with Eternally, the Ducklett lover?

    And what have you done with Eternally, the Ducklett lover?
  13. nv

    Even if I had some, which I don’t, I technically still lead two OMs lol which is the max lol.

    Even if I had some, which I don’t, I technically still lead two OMs lol which is the max lol.
  14. nv

    CAP 25 - Part 4 - CAP 25w Typing Poll 2

    Water/Bug It took me awhile to vote on this one because I was very torn, but I like the idea of challenging ourselves to make a really good defensive Pokémon with the lack of a Fire resist and a SR weakness because, despite its shortcomings, Water/Bug has unique resistances to take advantage of.
  15. nv

    CAP 25 - Part 4 - CAP 25f Typing Poll 2

    Fire/Ice Fire/Ground As everyone else has said, having two Electric-type starters looks very boring moving forward. I like both of these typings as each one has unique capabilities that they can bring to the table, so I’m excited to see which one wins.
  16. nv

    CAP25 - Part 4 - CAP 25f Typing Poll 1

    Fire/Ice Fire/Ground Fire/Psychic Fire/Flying I truly believe that we need something somewhat unique to have CAP25f stand out. Fire/Ice has a lot of potential, mainly since no other Pokémon has that typing. Plus I don’t want another 4x Ground weak CAPmon. (Sorry Fire/Electric fans)
  17. nv

    I can’t officially come back until I get an actual computer. That tablet setup I had isn’t...

    I can’t officially come back until I get an actual computer. That tablet setup I had isn’t cutting it anymore. Until then, I’m dead as a doornail when it comes to PS! :(
  18. nv

    Other Metagame of the Month Archive

    Inheritance and Full Potential. What’s with all the Benjamin Butterfree hype?
  19. nv

    I miss you guys too. Idk if or even when I will come back. :(

    I miss you guys too. Idk if or even when I will come back. :(